Photographer of the year I still can't believe it:I actually won "Photographer of the Year" in the "urban landscape / architecture" category at the 35 Awards.Since fine art architecture photography is my greatest passion, this award means a lot to me. It is an...
How Fine Art Architectural Photography Saved My Life
How Fine Art Architectural Photography Saved My Life I think it's time to finally write and publish this very personal blog post.That I enjoy fine art architectural photography is probably clear to anyone who knows me. This homepage is my business card for my work as...
35 Awards black and white fine art
I am so happy and still in disbelief: I am one of the winners of the 7th 35Awards photography contest. I participated in the category „urban landscape“ with 4 of my black and white fine art photos. I would have never thought that I would be honoured in any way in such...
Lusail Marina Twin Towers
Here’s another photo of the Lusail Marina Twin Towers adding to my Doha Fine Art Series. I took this photo from an unusual perspective to emphasize the attributes that fascinate me.In my opinion, the irregularities and the „Lego-Character“ become more prominent from...
fine art photography in Doha, Qatar
In January I flew to Doha Qatar for an assignment for architecture / interior photography. Besides all the Covid-19 - related hassle it was a fantastic experience. After spending 2 days in hotel quarantine, I finally started shooting for my architecture assignment. My...
Fine Art Architecture Photography
How it all began: It sounds absurd, but the bottom line is that Corona, or rather the first Lockdown, helped me get started with so-called fine art photography. The reason for this is relatively simple: during the lockdown, I didn't have a single assignment as a...